What's your meditation routine?

Lamont shares his detailed morning routine to prepare him for a productive day in trading. He will typically wake up between 5:45 and 6:15 AM, naturally awakened by sunlight. The first things are to drink a lot of water, engage in a brief cardio session on a stationary bike while listening to an audiobook. After exercising, he loves to take a cold shower and walk the dog, sometimes using this time for meditation rather than consuming dense material. Followed by meditation for 15 minutes and then begin pre-market prep focusing on index futures and major market sectors. He emphasizes a balanced approach to routine, allowing flexibility and avoiding perfectionism.
Video Details
Video TitleWhat's your meditation routine?
Video ID863965517
Content URLhttps://vimeo.com/863965517
Embed URLhttps://player.vimeo.com/video/863965517
Lamont shares his detailed morning routine to prepare him for a productive day in trading. He will typically wake up between 5:45 and 6:15 AM, naturally awakened by sunlight. The first things are to drink a lot of water, engage in a brief cardio session on a stationary bike while listening to an audiobook. After exercising, he loves to take a cold shower and walk the dog, sometimes using this time for meditation rather than consuming dense material. Followed by meditation for 15 minutes and then begin pre-market prep focusing on index futures and major market sectors. He emphasizes a balanced approach to routine, allowing flexibility and avoiding perfectionism.